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CAD $5.00
2011 World Pipe Band Championships Part 1 – Note that the track order on the “Worlds” CDs is order of band performance. This replaces the...
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2011 World Pipe Band Championships Part 2 – Note that the track order on the “Worlds” CDs is order of band performance. This replaces the...
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Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band - Rewind:Replay DVD.This is recorded Live at the Glasgow pre-worlds concert in 2007, this DVD from one of the worlds best pipe bands will be a favorite in your collection. It features competition sets and concert tunes. As well there are some interviews and extra's on the DVD that are not on the CD. This DVD shows why Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band is one of the best in the world.
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Lord Todd Recital - DVD. This DVD has four of the worlds top pipers. It features Angus MacColl, Jack Lee, Gordon Walker, and Roddy MacLeod. If you enjoy solo piping, this is a must have. One track of note is fiddlers rally played by Gordon Walker.
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World Championships DVD - 2009 Volume 1 The "Worlds" series is on of our most popular selling DVD's each year. For those that look for the best of the best in pipe bands, this is it. Each band competes with a MSR set, and a medley. All groups are grade 1. The first DVD has the bands that placed in the top 7, DVD #2 has the bands that placed in the bottom 7. This years winner was Simon Fraser University from Vancouver Canada.
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