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CAD $36.00
Learn to Play the Irish Tin Whistle DVD - This DVD teaches you all about learning to play the Irish Tin whistle. It will start you out slowly and get you to a point where you can play some simple yet enjoyable classics. Ireland's greatest Tin Whistle player...Vinnie Kilduff now shows you everything from beginners to advanced playing on this wonderful 50 minute video. Learn all the inner secrets of Tin Whistle playing
Add to cart CAD $30.55
Pipes Ready - By Jim McGillivary - What piper doesn't have trouble with their pipes? Who wouldn't want them sounding better and easier to blow? This unique DVD takes you through the steps required to set up your pipes and maintain them in peak playing condition. Bags, reeds, reed selection, watertraps, blowsticks and more. Jim McGillivary covers all of this in clear language and great detail in a style that is both informative and entertaining.
Add to cart CAD $30.55
Pipes Up - By Jim McGillivary - How many of us cringe - performers and listeners - cringe at the grating sounds of un-tuned bagpipes? For many players the desire is there but the knowledge and technique needed to tune the complex instrument are not. This DVD demystifies the subject of tuning in a thorough easy to understand video. Jim teaches you how to tune drones and chanters and addresses maintenance issues that can affect your tuning success.
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