Showing 13–24 of 62 results
CAD $19.95
Bill Livingstone - A Piobaireachd Diary Volume 1. This series of recordings showcases Bill's Piobaireachd playing over the years. Included are short narrations about the different tracks as the CD goes along. Recorded at the Dan Reid Invitational. This includes The Old Man & the Shells, Lament for Patrick Og MacCrimmon, The Battles of the Pass of Crieff and Lachlan MacNeill Campbell of Kintarbert's Fancy.
Add to cart CAD $6.00
William Barrie - Volume 1. This is the first recording in a series of Ancient Piobaireachd recordings. What makes the William Barrie recordings unique is that he plays a different style than most people play today. He plays in the Cameron style of piping, this style was passed to him by his teacher Robert Reid. The musical expression comes from the Cameron style of piping. This is an early recording and it is currently only available in cassette format.
Add to cart CAD $15.95
Bill Livingstone - Northern Man. This CD is the recording from Bill Livingstone, one of the top band and solo players of the last 30 plus years. This CD shows a wide variety of different musical styles and complex arrangements. This CD is proof that Bill is no where near the end of his creative talents.
Add to cart CAD $19.95
Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band – Forte – Recorded Live as the “Pre-Worlds” concert, the Boghall Pipe Band demonstrates why they are one of...
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Calasaig - Making the Shore. This is a great CD that blends the traditional with modern. Calasaig is a a group that is always sure to please.
Add to cart CAD $15.95
Calasaig - Near and Far. This is a great CD that blends the traditional with modern. Calasaig is a a group that is always sure to please.
Add to cart CAD $15.95
Calasaig - Until Then. This is a great CD that blends the traditional with modern. Calasaig is a a group that is always sure to please.
Add to cart CAD $19.95
Chris Armstrong - X-Treme. Chris is a great young piper. His creativity is evident in this recording. His is constantly willing to stretch the boundaries, and you be constantly surprised when listening.
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The Complete Highland Dancer - by Stuart Liddell - These tunes have been carefully selected for the Highland and National Dances from Beginners to Open Dancers. This CD has been a favorite of the dancers for many years.
Add to cart CAD $9.95
Dr. Dan Reid Challenge Recital 2002. This invitational recital features some of the worlds best pipers. We carry these CS's from a number of different years of contests. There is a representation of many different styles of playing on this CD
Add to cart CAD $9.95
Dr. Dan Reid Challenge Recital 2003. This invitational recital features some of the worlds best pipers. We carry these CD's from a number of different years of contests. There is a representation of many different styles of playing on this CD
Add to cart CAD $9.95
Dr. Dan Reid Challenge Recital 2004. This invitational recital features some of the worlds best pipers. We carry these CD's from a number of different years of contests. There is a representation of many different styles of playing on this CD
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