Showing 1–12 of 44 results
CAD $38.25
The Music of Gordon Tuck and Friends is a collection of tunes carefully compiled from tunes played by Gord's various bands over the years. Forward and Acknowledgements by Jim Scott. Bios on Gord, Donald MacPhee, John Scott, Karl Walford and Jim Irvine are included. This book was put together in recognition of Gord's many years devoted to the piping community both in his work as Pipe Major and in his advancement of the instrument itself.
Add to cart CAD $23.40
Iain MacDonald - Along the Road. This collection of bagpipe music contains 79 tunes in a variety of styles and idioms. Including three original Piobaireachd's There are notes about the composers and the tunes as well as some photo's of the contributors. Most notable are a number of compositions and arrangements by Pipe Major Donald MacLeod M.B.E.
Add to cart CAD $31.15
Antipodes Volume 2 - The Antipodes Collection of music is compiled by Mark Saul. There is a lot of modern music in here. A lot of the tunes in these books were made popular by the Victoria Police Pipe Band. Some of the tunes listed in these books have fast become classics in the pipe band idiom.
Add to cart CAD $22.90
Bill Livingstone Vol. 1 - Bill's original book of Bagpipe Music has been reprinted. Filled with original compositions by Bill Snr., Bill, Michael Grey, Bruce Gandy, John Walsh and many others.
Add to cart CAD $24.95
Full of original music from Bob Worrall, and many other well known pipers, this book is a must have for the serious piper and music collector. From Slow Airs, Marches, Hornpipes, and Jigs, this book has it all!
Add to cart CAD $24.95
Full of original music from Bob Worrall, and many other well known pipers. This book is a must have for the serious piper and music collector. From Slow Airs, Marches, Hornpipes, and Jigs, this book has it all!
Add to cart CAD $24.95
Full of original music from Bob Worrall, and many other well known pipers. This book is a must have for the serious piper and music collector. From Slow Airs, Marches, Hornpipes, and Jigs, this book has it all!
Add to cart CAD $18.95
Bruce Gandy Book 1 - This collection of tunes from Bruce Gandy feature tunes from Bruce and some of his friends. This collection has an interesting collection of the marches, strathspeys, reels, jigs and hornpipes with the history of many of the tunes titles. Bruce is one of North America's finest composers. His music is played throughout the piping world.
Add to cart CAD $19.95
Bruce Gandy Book 2 - This collection of tunes from Bruce Gandy feature tunes from Bruce and some of his friends. This collection has an interesting collection of the marches, strathspeys, reels, jigs and hornpipes with the history of many of the tunes titles. Bruce is one of North America's finest composers. His music is played throughout the piping world.
Add to cart CAD $24.95
Bruce Gandy Book 3 - This collection of tunes from Bruce Gandy feature tunes from Bruce and some of his friends. This collection has an interesting collection of the marches, strathspeys, reels, jigs and hornpipes with the history of many of the tunes titles. Bruce is one of North America's finest composers. His music is played throughout the piping world.
Add to cart CAD $24.95
Bruce Gandy Book 4 - This collection of tunes from Bruce Gandy feature tunes from Bruce and some of his friends. This collection has an interesting collection of the marches, strathspeys, reels, jigs and hornpipes with the history of many of the tunes titles. Bruce is one of North America's finest composers. His music is played throughout the piping world.
Add to cart CAD $93.50
Cabar Feidh Collection of the Queen's Own Highlanders - A great collection of tunes from the Queens own Highlanders Regiment. Also contains a good description of the history of the Regiment. This is a great book for anyone with interest in the Highland regiments and the pipe bands that served with them.
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