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CAD $17.50
Drum Major's Handbook - By Sgt. E. Burgess, C.D. This book is geared towards a Highland Drum Major as opposed to a regular band Drum Major or Majorette. Its intent is to help the novice understand the basic requirements of a Drum Major at the head of a band and in competition.
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Massed Band Scores for Pipe Band Drummers with CD - This book is a great stepping stone for people who have gone through a regular drumming tutor book, and are ready to continue on with their education in drumming. It will teach you some basic busker scores for 4/4, 3/4, & 6/8 tunes.
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Snare Drum Tutor - By Doug Stronach - This book is a method for beginner and intermediate drummers. It features a CD with 78 recorded audio tracks, 14 digital videos, scores played with or without a piper, all exercises with or without a metronome.
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