Showing 661–672 of 1006 results
Pipe cord fasteners are used to secure and hold pipe cords easily and quickly. This will avoid having to tie drone cords the old fashion way using hemp. Fasteners come in packages of 8 per pack.
Add to cart $2.00
Pipe cord fasteners are used to secure and hold pipe cords easily and quickly. This will avoid having to tie drone cords the old fashion way using hemp. Fasteners come in packages of 8 per pack.
Add to cart $2.00
Pipe cord fasteners are used to secure and hold pipe cords easily and quickly. This will avoid having to tie drone cords the old fashion way using hemp. Fasteners come in packages of 8 per pack.
Add to cart $2.00
Pipe cord fasteners are used to secure and hold pipe cords easily and quickly. This will avoid having to tie drone cords the old fashion way using hemp. Fasteners come in packages of 8 per pack.
Add to cart $18.65
Pipe Music Book 1 - by A.M. Cairns. You will find a wide variety of music that all pipers will find interesting as well as being able to play. A good tune is one that makes a melodic statement and that is what you will find in this book. A great addition to your collection!
Add to cart $31.15
Pipe Music Book 2 (with CD) - by A.M. Cairns - This is a fantastic book for players of all levels. It has a lot of good tunes in it. The great thing about this book is that the tunes are already arranged in different medleys for you. This saves having to arrange a medley of tunes. As well, there are harmonies for a lot of tunes. There are a couple of drum scores written in the back for some of the tunes. All scores are by Greg Dinsdale. This book comes with a cd so you can hear the arrangements.
Add to cart $125.00
The Pipe Reed Strength Tester is a great tool for any piper. This will help you determine the strength of the pipe chanter reed that you are playing. When you have a pipe chanter reed that is a good strength for you, simply use the tester on the top of your pipe chanter, and determine the strength of the reed. Then the next time you need to order a reed, you can request the strength that will suit you best. We use this reed strength tester for all of the reeds we sell. Here are the levels that we use. Please note the following are levels of water column inches. Soft - 27 or lower, Medium - 28 to 37, Hard - 38 or more.
Add to cart $192.80 Select options
Piper Style Ghillie Brogues - The Piper Style Brogues are about as good of Ghillie that you can find. If you value a good shoe for your foot, then the Piper Brogue is a good option for you. They come in full sizes for size 3, 4, 5, and half sizes from 6 to 12. As well the laces and tassels are included. CALL AHEAD TO SEE IF YOUR SIZE IS STILL AVAILABLE
$6.05 Add to cart
Piper Santa Note Cards. These Piper Santa Note cards are a nice touch for the holidays. This pack comes as 10 cards and envelopes. Cards come with a Christmas saying on the inside.
Piper tea towel has a traditional illustration of a well dressed Scottish Piper. They are made from 100% cotton. Perfect for any kitchen or bar.
Add to cart $12.98
Piper Teddy Musical - These little soft bears are a great little item for kids. Each bear is musical and plays "Scotland the Brave" when you press their bagpipes. They come in various sizes, the one priced out is a 5" Teddy.
Add to cart $19.95
Piper Teddy Musical - These little soft bears are a great little item for kids. Each bear is musical and plays "Scotland the Brave" when you press their bagpipes.
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