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CAD $16.25
Brass Whistle - Key of D. These whistles are sold individually. Although they are not as high quality as the Sousato and Chieftain whistles, they are great for children and beginners to get their interest going. These whistles are made by Walton's.
Add to cart CAD $16.25
Little Black Whistle - Key of D. These whistles are sold individually. Although they are not as high quality as the Sousato and Chieftain whistles, they are great for children and beginners to get their interest going. These whistles are made by Walton's.
Add to cart CAD $21.95
Tin Whistle Kit - This popular whistle kit comes with a whistle and instructional booklet. This is a terrific package that is very popular with those wanting to learn the whistle. Great for beginners. You can get this kit in your choice of 3 packages; Irish, Scottish, or Guinness.
Select options CAD $50.95
Tin Whistle Packs - These popular whistle kits come in either an Irish, Scottish, or Guinness design. They come with the Whistle, book and CD. These are terrific packages that are very popular with those wanting to learn the whistle. Each kit comes with a book has over 20 well known favorites for you to lean.
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