Showing 25–36 of 44 results
CAD $18.65
Pipe Music Book 1 - by A.M. Cairns. You will find a wide variety of music that all pipers will find interesting as well as being able to play. A good tune is one that makes a melodic statement and that is what you will find in this book. A great addition to your collection!
Add to cart CAD $31.15
Pipe Music Book 2 (with CD) - by A.M. Cairns - This is a fantastic book for players of all levels. It has a lot of good tunes in it. The great thing about this book is that the tunes are already arranged in different medleys for you. This saves having to arrange a medley of tunes. As well, there are harmonies for a lot of tunes. There are a couple of drum scores written in the back for some of the tunes. All scores are by Greg Dinsdale. This book comes with a cd so you can hear the arrangements.
Add to cart CAD $11.40
Pipers of the Regular Canadian Army - This book is a collection of tunes that were composed by members of the Regular Canadian Army. There is also a fair amount of information and history on the Regiments. This book is a great item for anybody who has served in the Canadian Forces, or anybody interested in Military Pipe bands.
Add to cart CAD $9.75
Privy Piping - A most curious collection of tunes arranged for the highland bagpipe. Privy Piping is a branch of piping practiced by pipers in strictest privacy or in the company of closest friends. It is never performed before judges, teachers, uptight folk generally, or gentleman pipers of "a certain age". The Music for Privy Piping will never be found in the Scots Guards, Willie Ross' books or the Piobaireachd Society's publications or any standard piping book. So, next time you are at a gathering of people in need of relief - don't be bashful! The tunes in this book will enable you to be the best privy piper at any gathering. Go for it!
Add to cart CAD $49.95 Add to cart
RS MacDonald has been a friend of the Duncan family for as long as he can remember. In 2009 he also released a book of his own compositions along side "A Few Tunes - And Mair" at Piping Live.
Some of these tunes can be found on albums from both Gordon and the Vale of Atholl Pipe Band. It is definately one for the collection, and can now be bought through the Gordon Duncan Memorial Trust.
CAD $53.50
Rhythmic Fingerwork - This book is by Jim McGillivray. It is a great book of exercises for people who want to work on their technique. Pipers from experienced beginners through intermediate and advanced levels will find these 141 exercises, clear explanations. Exercises are now provided online.
Add to cart CAD $27.50
Ross Collection Volume 1 to 5 - By Pipe major William Ross. This is one of the the great collections of music for the Highland Bagpipe. It is basically a collection of classic tunes and a must for the serious piper. These books are sold individually. Volume 5 is out of Print
Select options CAD $15.55
Santa's Favorite Piping Tunes - This book of Christmas carols and hymns, arranged for the bagpipe, was designed for the piper who is asked to play during this festive season. Be careful while trying to play your bagpipes in a Santa Suit!
Add to cart CAD $77.95
Scots Guard Vol. 3 – A new collection in the popular series of standard settings used on ceremonial and other occasions by the Scots Guards’...
Add to cart CAD $77.95
Scots Guards Standard Settings of Pipe Music Volume 1 -
If you are looking for the most popular tunes for a pipes, then this collection is for you. This collection of books have it all, they are basically a must for any piper. Many refer to Volume 1 as the bible of bagpipe music.
Add to cart CAD $77.95
Scots Guards Standard Settings of Pipe Music Volume 2 -
This book is a continuation of the ever popular book one. If you are looking for the most popular tunes for a pipes then this is the book for you. This collection of books have it all, they are basically a must for any piper.
Add to cart CAD $51.95
The Seaforth Highlanders Standard Settings of Pipe Music - This book is a reprint of the 1936 edition and involves two of the most respected figures in the piping world of the recent past, the late Capt. D.R. MacLennan and the late PM Donald MacLeod. This book has a wealth of great tunes for your collection.
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